Scratch lab 4

Pair progmaming rocket project

This is a project that is animated by the green flag and accelerates up or down whan you push the faster or slower button.

Pair programing project

Metric converter

This animation converts your imperial feet and inches into the metric units of milimeters meters and kilometers.

Metric converter

Distance Formula

This animation allows you to enter the coordinates for the two points and find the distance between them.

Distance Formula

Quick Costume Change

This animation changes costume and if your click the faster button the costume chage will accelerate and and if you click the slower button the costume change will decelerate.

Quick Costume Change

Dance Party Cops Come

This animation has kids that dance and turn up the music whenyou click the green flag, but the cop shuts down the party when the music gets too loud.

Dance Party Cops Come

Scratch lab 4 Questions

  1. No, variables in computer programing are not the same as in math class because in math class you have to solve for a variable, but in computer programing you set the variable and find the solution of the equations that it is used in.
  2. Variables are used to either carry out a code or present a number.
  3. Each variable can only code for one value at a time.
  4. This code will make both of the varibales into the value of variable 2.
  5. This code will make value 2 and temp the same as what value 1 was and value 1 what value 2 was.
